Category I publications 123.* Weibel, A., R.S. Johnson, and T.M. DeJong. 2003. Comparative vegetative growth responses of two peach cultivars grown on size-controlling versus standard rootstocks. J. Amer Soc. Hort. Sci. 128(4):463-471. 124.* Basile, B., J. Marsal, L.I. Solari, M.T. Tyree, D.R. Bryla, and T.M. DeJong. 2003. Hydraulic conductance of peach trees grafted on rootstocks with differing size-controlling potentials. Journal of horticultural Science & Biotechnology 78(5):768-774. 134.* DeJong, T.M., R.S. Johnson, J.F. Doyle, and D. Ramming. 2005. Research yields size-controlling rootstocks for peach production. California Agriculture 59:80-83. 138.* Pernice, F., L. Solari, and T.M. DeJong. 2006. Comparison of growth potentials of epicormic shoots of nectarine trees grown on size-controlling and vigorous rootstocks. J. Hort. Sci. and Biotechnology 81:211-218. 140.* Solari, L.I. and T.M. DeJong. 2006. The effect of root pressurization on water relations, shoot growth, and leaf gas exchanges of peach (Prunus persica) trees on rootstocks with differing growth potential and hydraulic conductance. J. Experimental Botany 57: 1981-1989. 141.* Solari, L.I., S. Johnson, and T.M. DeJong. 2006. Relationship of water status to vegetative growth and leaf gas exchange of peach (Prunus persica) trees on different rootstocks. Tree Physiology 26:1333-1341. 142.* Solari, L.I., S. Johnson, and T.M. DeJong. 2006. Hydraulic conductance characteristics of peach (Prunus persica) trees on different rootstocks are related to biomass production and distribution. Tree Physiology 26: 1343-1350. 143.* Solari, L.I., F. Pernice, and T.M. DeJong. 2006. The relationship of hydraulic conductance to root system characteristics of peach (Prunus persica) rootstocks. Physiologia Plantarum 128:324-333. 148.* Basile, B., D.R. Bryla, M.L.Salsman, J. Marsal, C. Cirillo, R.S. Johnson, and T.M. DeJong. 2007. Growth patterns and morphology of fine roots of size-controlling and invigorating peach rootstocks. Tree Physiology 27: 231-241. 150.* Basile, B., L.I. Solari, and T.M. DeJong. 2007. Intra-canopy variability of fruit growth rate in peach trees grafted on rootstocks with different vigour-control capacity. J. Hort.Sci. and Biotechnology 82:243-256. 164.* Tombesi, S., R.S. Johnson, K.R. Day and T.M. DeJong. 2010. Relationships between xylem vessel characteristics, calculated axial hydraulic conductance and size-controlling capacity of peach rootstocks. Annals of Botany 105:327-331. 165.* Tombesi S., R.S. Johnson, K.R. Day and T.M DeJong. 2010. Interactions between rootstock, inter-stem and scion xylem vessel characteristics of peach trees growing on rootstocks with contrasting size-controlling characteristics. AoB PLANTS 2010: plq013, 166.* Tombesi, S., A.Almehdi, and T.M. DeJong. 2010. Phenotyping vigour control capacity of new peach rootstocks by xylem vessel analysis. Scientia Horticulturae 127: 353–357 185.* DeJong, T.M., S. Tombesi, B. Basile and D. Da Silva. 2013. Beakbane and Thompson (1939, East Malling) Had It Right: Scion Vigour is Physiologically Linked to the Xylem Anatomy of the Rootstock. Aspects of Applied Biology 119:51-58 188.* Bruckner, C. H. and T. M. DeJong. 2014. Proposed pre-selection method for identification of dwarfing peach rootstocks based on rapid shoot xylem vessel analysis. Scientia Horticulturae 165:404-409. 193.* Tombesi, S., K. R. Day, R. S. Johnson, R. Phene and T. M. DeJong. 2014. Vigour reduction in girdled peach trees is related to lower midday stem water potentials. Functional Plant Biology, 2014, 41, 1336–1341 211* Basile, B. and T.M. DeJong. 2019. Control of Fruit Tree Vigor Induced by Dwarfing Rootstocks. Horticultural Reviews 46:39-98. Category II publications 22b. DeJong, T.M., A. Weibel, W. Tsuji, J.F. Doyle, R.S. Johnson and D. Ramming. 2001. Evaluation of size controlling rootstocks for California peach production. Acta Horticulturae 557:103-110. 30. DeJong, T.M., R.S. Johnson, J.F. Doyle, B. Basile, J. Marsal, D. Ramming, and D. Bryla. 2004. Growth, yield and physiological behavior of size-controlling peach rootstocks developed in California. Acta Hort. 658:449-455. 45. DeJong T.M., R.S. Johnson and K.R. Day. 2011. Controller 5, Controller 9 and Hiawatha peach rootstocks: their performance and physiology. Acta Hort. 903: 221-228. 49. Weibel, A.M., G.L. Reighard, N.C. Rajapakse and T.M. DeJong. 2011. Dormant carbohydrate reserves of two peach cultivars grafted on different vigor rootstocks. Acta Hort 903:815-820. 52. Tombesi, S., J. Marsal, B. Basile, A. Weibel, L. Solari, S. Johnson, K. Day and T.M. DeJong. 2012. Peach tree vigor is a function of rootstock xylem anatomy and hydraulic conductance. Acta Hort. 932:483-489. 53. Almehdi A., T. DeJong, R. Duncan, J. Grant and M. McKenry. 2012. Evaluation of rootstocks for tolerance to bacterial canker, orchard replant conditions and size-controlling in California. Acta Hort. 962:435:441 63. DeJong, T.M., L. Grace, A. Almehdi, R.S. Johnson and K.R. Day. 2014. Performance and Physiology of the ControllerTM Series of Peach Rootstocks. Acta Hort 1058: 523-529. 66. Da Silva, D., Favreau, R.O., Tombesi, S. and DeJong, T.M. 2015. Modelling size-controlling rootstock effects on peach tree growth and development using L-PEACH-H. Acta Hort. 1068:227-233 79. S. Tombesi, D. Farinelli, A. Palliotti, S. Poni and T.M. DeJong. 2018 Xylem manipulation techniques affecting tree vigour in peach and olive trees. Acta Hort 1228:91-96 Documents 124 Basile et al. 2003 JHSB Hyd Cond peach rootstocks.pdf 134 DeJong et al Cal Ag rootstocks 2005.pdf 142 Luis Solari Tr Phys26-1343.pdf 164 Tombesi Ann of Bot v105 p 327 pub.pdf 165 Tombesi et al AoB Plants plq013.full_.pdf 166 Tombesi, Almehdi and DeJongHORTI3791.pdf 185 DEJONG Aspects of Applied Bio 119 2013.pdf II 22b Acta Hort 557 DeJong et al Rootstock Eval 2001.pdf II 30 Acta Hort 658 DeJong et al 2004 rootstock Spain.pdf II 45 Acta Hort 903 DeJong et al rootstock paper.pdf II 49 Acta Hort 903 Weibel et al 2011 CHO rootstock paper.pdf II 52 Acta Hort 932 Tombesi et al 2012 rootstock paper.pdf II 53 Acta Hort 962 Almehdi et al 2012 rootstocks bac canker.pdf II 63 Acta Hort 1058 DeJong et al 2014 South africa rootstock paper.pdf